February 2017 Microsoft Patches Delayed by MS
Oui, j'ai besoin d'une solution https://blogs.technet.microsoft.com/msrc/2017/02/14/february-2017-security-update-release/ 0 1487257528
View ArticleIT Management Suite 8.0 HF6 is now available
Non, je n'ai pas besoin d'une solution (je partage des informations seulement) Following are the highlights of this hotfix:Possibility to prevent computer from going into sleep mode while task...
View ArticlePatch Management Reboot Notification Message 8.0 - Forced Reboot Time
In Patch Management 7.X the reboot notifications would show the time when the reboot would be forced. In 8.0 there is now a time bar showing when the reboot will be forced if the user ignores the...
View ArticleCreating a Custom Chart for Patch Management Compliance reporting with...
Oui, j'ai besoin d'une solution We have just recently implemented IT Analytics with a separate server configuration. One of the key items of interest with adding ITA was to produce complex charts....
View ArticleIT Management Suite 8.1 documentation
Non, je n'ai pas besoin d'une solution (je partage des informations seulement) IT Management Suite 8.1 documentation is available at the following URLs:Symantec Help Center:...
View ArticlePatch Management Solution 8.1 Documentation
Non, je n'ai pas besoin d'une solution (je partage des informations seulement) You can find the Patch Management Solution 8.1 User Guides at the following URLs:Patch Management for...
View ArticleClient Management Suite 8.1 Documentation
Non, je n'ai pas besoin d'une solution (je partage des informations seulement) Client Management Suite 8.1 documentation is available at the following URLs:Release Notes...
View ArticleWhat's new in IT Management Suite 8.1?
Symantec is pleased to announce the general availability of Symantec IT Management Suite 8.1.IT Management Suite 8.1 introduces the following new features and improvements:Streamlined process for...
View ArticleThe application properties does not load when workflow starts
Oui, j'ai besoin d'une solution Hello,I have a basic experience in Workflow solution. I created a few simple workflows, that's it.The question is about application properties. I successfully imported...
View ArticleFilezilla in Patch management
I was wondering if there was any plans to add filezilla to the patch offering. I believe it is in Shavlik already. If not consider this a request to have it added.
View ArticleSMP - Patch Management - Associated Bulletins
I’m was working on a Patch Management Workflow and wanting to get the bulletins contained in a Policy created from the Patch Web Service.There is a Software Bulletins field which showed the...
View ArticleSymantec ITMS should support Ubuntu LTS flavours of Linux
Symantec ITMS should support Ubuntu flavours of Linux.At least Ubuntu Server LTS - it would be great to have those in Altiris.
View ArticleSMP - Patch Management - Associated Bulletins
New Web ServiceIt would be handy to have a Web Service to get the Associated Bulletins against a Patch Policy.Software Bulletins:CR16-001, CRUW-001In the XML of the...
View ArticleMicrosoft announces more predictable Win10/Office365 release schedule
Oui, j'ai besoin d'une solution Windows is committing to a predictable twice-per-year feature release schedule, targeting September and March of each year, aligning with Office 365 ProPlus. The next...
View ArticleEnable detection of Internet metered connection for CEM agents
Today all modern systems such as Windows 10, iOS, Android allows you to choose whether to download the updates over metered connection or not.These days Microsoft push a lot cumulative updates. If home...
View ArticleMind Maps for IT Management Suite 8.1
Non, je n'ai pas besoin d'une solution (je partage des informations seulement) In IT Management Suite 8.1, we introduce a new approach of representing the user guide information.For some of the IT...
View ArticleNew naming conventions MSNS17?
Oui, j'ai besoin d'une solution Is there a rhyme or reason behind Microsoft's new naming convention on the latest Office patches?I didn't see anything under Info3895 0
View ArticleAnyone seeing KB3008923 pop up as necessary in windows update?
Oui, j'ai besoin d'une solution Running one of my regular windows update check shows my win7 IE11 machines as vulnerable for KB3008923 all of a sudden (patch from 2014).Remediation center doesn't seem...
View ArticleErrorMessage = "The operation has timed out" with Zero Day Patch
Oui, j'ai besoin d'une solution Hello,i have a Problem with 0 Day Patch Workflow.___runtime_Linked_Model_Flag = True BulletinsGUIDString =...
View ArticleIT Management Suite 8.1 Release Update 1 (RU1) is now available
Non, je n'ai pas besoin d'une solution (je partage des informations seulement) High-lights of this release update:Support for CentOS 6.0-6.8 and CentOS 7.0-7.2 in Patch Management SolutionRemediation...
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