Please include these updates in PMImport - Chrome 32
Google Chrome 32.0.1700.76 Update was released 1/14 and hasn't been released by Symantec.32.0.1700.102 came out today...
View ArticleHow to find out where a package was downloaded from?
This article includes the evolution of a report, by merging two queries together.DISCLAIMER: The machine names, IP Addresses and Domain names are ficticious lab values that no longer exist. The...
View ArticleHow to add the SMP site code as an ITA report filter?
If your ITA Server is configured to use its Multi-CMDB functionality, you may wish to have the ability to run ITA reports that can display data for a single or multiple SMP's instead of just all of...
View ArticleHow to execute a PMS related report via the ASDK
The attached file contains a report XML file that you need to import into the SMP console before running the VBS file from a remote PC.The VBS utilises the ASDK's web service to...
View ArticleTwain.dll cleint 32 Bit Thunking Server Error
Oui, j'ai besoin d'une solution Hi All,i found an issue in mixed envirnment OS Win XP, Win 7 with error Twain.dll cleint 32 Bit Thunking Server Error and stops system to working with high resource...
View ArticleUnderstanding the ResourceAssociation table
The following query maps item names to the three different guids found within the ResourceAssociation table, allowing you to understand its contents better:SELECT vi1.[Guid] AS...
View ArticleDisplaying the Organizational View Structure via SQL
When you go to "Manage > Organizational Views and Groups" and select either a Org View or an Org Group, if one or more Org Groups contain resources, the Organizational Group column will display the...
View ArticleCHROME-96 not reporting correctly
Oui, j'ai besoin d'une solution I had a similar problem with Adobe not reporting properly, now I'm seeing it with Chrome-96.Chrome installs on clients, applicable count goes down, installed count...
View ArticleHow do I prevent clients from getting patches from other Package Servers?
Oui, j'ai besoin d'une solution My setup is pretty straight forward. We have a NS and PS at HQ and a PS at all of our remote sites. All sites are connected via 10Mb WAN. Currently, if for some reason...
View ArticleApplication Metering
Oui, j'ai besoin d'une solution Hello All,I am new to Application metering and have been asked to create a report for a particular software for couple of months, the issue I am facing is that for each...
View ArticleHow to create Site filters based off of manually created sites
If you have chosen to create your sites and subnets manually instead of importing them from AD, what is the easiest way to create filters that contain the computers associated with those sites?The...
View ArticlePatching in Low Bandwidth Environments
Question:Do we have a whitepaper/write-up on how to deploy a successful patch deployment solution in a low bandwidth environment?No, but it sounds like a good idea for one.In the interim, though:There...
View ArticleHow to Report on Available Disk Space on All Computers as Well as Only on...
The first query targets all computer resources and allows you to specify the byte size range as well as the percentage of available disk space.The second query only targets site servers. It provide...
View ArticleHow to Add the Useful 7.5 vSiteServices View to a 7.1.x System?
SMP 7.5 includes a view called vSiteServices which maps the actual site servers computer guid to the site servers site services guid, allowing you to easily join this view to other database objects to...
View ArticleITMS 7.5 HF is available via SIM
"Symantec™ IT Management Suite 7.5 HF4 powered by Altiris™ technology Release Notes" (
View ArticleWorkstation Patching - How are you guys disabling or configuring Windows...
Oui, j'ai besoin d'une solution How are you guys disabling Windows updates for Windows 7, so that Altiris is the only way to patch? We would like Windows update not to check, download or install...
View ArticleAfter migrating to Altiris7.5 without client(Still 7.1) upgrade, Patch not...
Oui, j'ai besoin d'une solution hey all,I have migrated Altiris 7.1 SP2 to Altiris 7.5.I have not upgraded the clients. The versio of agents is still 7.1.I am able to push software.But i am not able...
View ArticleAltiris should support Internet Explorer 10 and 11
not responding long-running scriptIf you are freezed the Altiris console, on a screen not answering. And because Altiris console has a good memory last position, you can't go out this freezed screen....
View ArticleITMS 7.1.2 MP1.1 v9RU is now available
Release Notes and the actual RU can be obtained from HOWTO81832.
View ArticlePlease include these updates in PMImport - MSWU 603 - 11/2013 - MSWU 603 - This exists in CMS but release date is 3/2012 and windows update is showing updated released 11/2013I tried disabling and recreating the policy and...
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