PatchManagement API
Enable Bulletins
It would be useful to have a method that does this all in one.
To have to run EnsureStaged then SetProperty twice could be problematic, it's not intuitive or obvious. If the help docs hadn't been created how would anyone know.
Also this could then be handled by the api and rolled back in a transaction if there was an issue with one of the calls.
Also aside with the DisableBulletins could you decide which Policy you wish to Enable them for, not just ALL.
12. EnsureStaged(System.String,System.Boolean)
Ensures the list of bulletins (and its updates) is staged.
NB! EnsureStaged does not handle bulletin Enabled/Disabled state!
Parameters (in order of usage):
Name | Description |
bulletinGuids | GUID list of bulletins to get staged |
sync | 'true' to wait until everything is staged. 'false'– to let the staging to run asynchronously |
Return value: count of updates to be staged or -1 on error
'EnsureStaged' is not equal to UI action 'Download packages' performed on the bulletin. While it downloads updates if needed - bulleting is not automatically enabled.
So the bulletin state 'Staged' isn't equal to 'Enabled'
To receive same result as for 'Download packages' UI action for a disabled bulletin:
1. Call 'EnsureStaged' for the bulletin
2. Call 'SetProperty' with property name: IsDisabledByUser and value: false
3. Call 'SetProperty' with property name: Enabled and value: true
46. SetProperty(System.String,System.String,System.String)
Very generic API to change one property of NS items.
To set list of objects as value see SetGuidCollectionProperty
Parameters (in order of usage):
Name | Description |
itemGuids | GUID list of NS items to change |
name | Name of the property to change |
value | Value to set |
Return value: 'true' if success
To set some options of Patch policy you should set property of the policy to:
- 'Run ASAP' option of Patch policy, you should set property with name 'CurrentAdvertismentSet.InstallOptions' to value 1 (0 - default, 1- RunASAP, 2 - Scheduled)
- 'Use multicast' - use name 'CurrentAdvertismentSet.UseMulticast' with values 0 – disable, 1 – enable
- 'Override Maintenance Windows settings' - use name 'CurrentAdvertismentSet.OverrideMaintenanceWindows' and 'true'/'false' as value
- 'Allow immediate restart if required ' - use name 'CurrentAdvertismentSet.RebootOptions' and values 1 to set the flag and 0 to clear it
Alternative to DisableBulletins
Patch Management Workflow Web Service Application Programming Interface (API)